Being a single working mom with a demanding career, my evening commute required precision and promptness. Relying on two forms of public transportation followed by what was typically a four minute drive when following the speed limit, I carefully timed my work departure with the train schedule and not so reliable subway schedule. One evening, my four minute drive from the train became a 6 minute drive which felt like an eternity as I followed behind someone who didn't share the same urgency as I to relieve their babysitter so she could in turn get home to her child on time. My displeasure turned to a slight case of road rage with me honking my horn incessantly, which only caused the car in question to move even more slowly,.
Honking on the horn didn't get me there any faster, and only increased my stress level, while decreasing my ability to be present with my children once I returned home. The hindsight learning is that things happen, we can't always control them. We can look for different ways to solve a problem either in the moment or in the future. But most of all I learned to breathe first when I couldn't control or solve an issue.